KHA’s advisory services

Advisory services are offered in the areas of good governance, transparency in reporting, and a customer-driven focus in order to attract and develop engaged leadership, effective and efficient staff, and funding sources for growth. Services are in two primary areas:

1. Services to Boards:

• Build Boards with a focus on immediate and long term success.
• Attract members by articulating vision, mission and goals clearly and setting expectations for the members.
• Review governance models and recommend adjustments to achieve success
• Provide guidance to Executive and Planning Committees

2. Services to Staff:

• Mentoring leadership
• Identify performance measures for success (use scorecard and lean thinking tools)
• Determine individual and group objectives
• Design systems for tracking and reporting success
• Review efficiency of operations to create more value to the organization
• Guide direction for Annual Reports, Annual Statements of Accountability
• Build the brand by knowing the stakeholders
• Gratitude is a customer-focused key to success

Most common requests
for advisory services

How to recruit a board and work with them
How to conduct a meeting
How do you measure success
How to get the board to give
How to build a team and get the most from each member
How to become sustainable over time
Why is strategy important and how do you do strategic planning
Is branding important to our mission and image
What’s the difference between vision and mission
Why is a vision so important
Why are financial statements important
Who to ask for funding
Who should do the asking
How to get all stakeholders to give
How to write a request for funding
Funding for a special project – how to do it
What’s the best way to work with the community
How to tell the story
How to work with donors
What’s the best way to appreciate donors
How to thank donors
Are newsletters worth it
How to do a capital campaign
Why is Planned Giving important

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